Mobile Back pack Dowa Malawi
Report by SMOT Malawi
SMOT in Malawi at the STEPS regional conference received a solar powered mobile cinema pack .They are using the the equipment to conduct facilitated film community screenings in remote areas of Dowa .Their activities covers 5 GVHs -Mwambula and Kathumba Mnesha, Maweru and Mwachalo. SMOT ‘s mobile cinema program covers 58 villages.
What has changed since introducing community film screenings ?
- Creation of space to discuss issues of concern openly which was not there before( issues raised by the film)
- We have observed that there is enhanced knowledge
- Acceptance of the project in the targeted communities
- Willingness of the village heads to mobilize their subjects for film screening sessions
- Willingness of the district stakeholders to attend pre and post planning meetings
- Willingness of school authorities for accepting the project in their school
- Willingness of community members to attend film screenings
What is the change that you are observing?
The following are the changes SMOT is observing in its implementation area;
- Establishment of 4 adult literacy centres for the communities to access adult literacy services and this was after the film screenings of mother at 15 film
- More enrollment of women into adult literacy than men
- Government(ministry gender) have pledged to support the hard working teachers in adult literacy centres with monthly honorarium
- Young people who dropped school due to teenage pregnancy and family poverty have gone back to school after being motivated by Mariam’s desire of going back to school.
- Willingness of a community based organization (Faith based Organization) to support needy learners with school fees